Adder Enough?

Better weather this morning combined with a later start than yesterday meant I was back at Ketton Quarry when the Adder were a bit warmer and a lot less sluggish. I still had three males, including a pretty big boy that crept up behind me as I was preoccupied trying and failing to photograph a Common Lizard.

Female Adder

Female Adder

After the snakes had all moved off including another Grass Snake I started to think about insects. As I was watching a Common Heath I noticed a pristine Grizzled Skipper. There were definately three on the wing, probably five, feeding mostly on Wild Stawberry. Grizzled Skippers are very underated but definately not understated and news of their emergence had Andy Mackay getting his TARDIS over to the quarry. Well, that’s how it seemed as he arrived minutes after his text message said he was leaving home. I think he was messing with my head though, sending a message as he arrived!

Grizzled Skipper

Grizzled Skipper

Grizzled Skipper

Grizzled Skipper

A quick look around the Blackthorn and two male Green Hairstreak  were dueling for the favours of a lone female and occasionally settling.

Green Hairstreak

Green Hairstreak

Green Hairstreak

Green Hairstreak

The Hairstreak soon attracted the attentions of the sponsored Melton Boys who were themselves lapping up the butterflies with all their fancy lenses and stuff.

Melton Boys

Melton Boys

Given the sunny conditions there were plenty of other butterflies on show including Holly Blue, Common Blue, Brimstone, Green-veined White, Comma, Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock.







Common Heath

Common Heath

One response to “Adder Enough?

  1. Thanks for the text about the skippers John. I’ve put my best one on flickr. Didn’t see a lot else after you left, although there were definitely at least four different Grizzleds in that area.

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