Tag Archives: Instagram

Fantasy Floodlight

Messing about with images today.


iPhone Friday

I went to work, I went on a visit. I left to drive to another visit, I had a sneezing fit at 70mph. I don’t need that. I came home and went to bed.

A few photos for this weeks iPhone Friday.





Spring Unsprung

Criikey, it seems an age since I last posted. Yesterday Leigh and I enjoyed the sunshine and walked into Loughborough for Sunday lunch. As we walked along the A6004 by-pass I noticed there was a tree starting to come into blossom. I only had the iPhone on me so took a hasty snap.

Plum Blossom

Plum Blossom

Nothing special, the flowers are a bit blown out, exposure control isn’t great, and it looks very much like Blackthorn; an early flowerer (not usually this early though) so it may well be an ornamental. Undeterred I used the image as the basis for three other photographs. The first using Instagram, I doubt there are many people out there with a smartphone not familiar with Instagram. I quite liked the second attempt, added a bit of centre focus as well as cropping and resizing.


For my next effort I pushed the shot through Glaze, a great photo app that allows you to turn photos into stunning paintings.


Finally I tried out another new app, Simply HDR. This is a ‘one-shot’ pseudo HDR process but the early results are very impressive. I’ll post more later in the week. I cropped this in Snapseed and added a simple with border… I like a border.
